Category: Types of Trade Show Displays

Categories: Modular Displays, Trade Show Tips

In the last few years, there’s been an explosion of trade show exhibits that don’t require paid labor, expensive freight, and/or expensive storage. It all started with banner stands and “traditional pop-up displays”.

Soon, there was widespread use of tension fabric exhibits that became more affordable as well as lightweight which really led to its increase in popularity in lots of exhibitor categories….

Categories: Backlit Trade Show Displays, Trade Show Tips

Backlit displays have taken the tradeshow floor by storm and have certainly found their place on it too. These illuminated displays have really won over our customers with the bright, rich, eye-catching colors that these displays are able to provide.

And, of course, the main reason that our customers really like these displays is the attention that they create on the show floor and the ability to attract and welcome the trade show attendees into their booth.

Categories: Backlit Trade Show Displays, SEGO Modular Backlit Displays, sendemail

SEGO modular backlit displays are the new kids on the block in the silicone edge graphics (SEG) neighborhood and quite frankly, we’re really happy to see the changes that come with it. The SEGO display system takes all the feedback from our customers on the tried and true SEG display line and creates a beautifully designed and improved SEG display system…

Categories: My First Trade Show, Trade Show Booth Rentals, Trade Show Tips

Our most successful trade show customers are planning out their schedule months in advance and many times a large decision they have to think about is whether to rent or buy their trade show displays.

These are some of the questions that these customers consider and that we like to ask our clients when evaluating what kind of display setup that would best fit their needs:

Categories: Trade Show Counters, Waveline Displays

In the “old days” there used to be a limited number of portable counters available but the WaveLine Info Desk Counters have broke the mold on the traditional 4ft and 6ft counters. We now stock the full line of WaveLine Counters that have the most extensive range in sizes available on the market as standard sizes. These counters now reach a staggering 18.5ft wide at the largest model and every size in-between. Now your options are seemingly unlimited for your next trade show, marketing event or even at car dealerships, hotels, airports and more!

Categories: Digital Signage, Trade Show Kiosks, Trade Show Towers

The time has finally arrived where the reduction in cost combined with the increase in technology has made digital signage possible for a large market segment. We know have practical digital signage solutions that perform well and don’t bust your budget. The Blade Digital Kiosk has seen widespread success with it’s brilliant display resolution and interactive features. Here are some details about what makes the Blade Digital Kiosk a hit.

Categories: Backlit Trade Show Displays

Sometimes we get enough questions about a certain product type that instead of making it a footnote in an obscure section of our FAQ Page, it’s better to make a whole resource section that can be used and expanded on over time. Backlit Trade Show Displays can be different from model-to-model, but there are a lot of questions we get that apply to most if not all of the different options. Let’s have a look at the questions we get asked most often and we’ll answer each of them: