Category: Types of Trade Show Displays

Categories: Trade Show Hanging Sign, Trade Show Towers

Do I want a Trade Show Hanging Sign or a Tower? Now you don’t have to choose between just one or the other. We have two great ways to accomplish both. The request for a tower + hanging sign has increased lately as towers have gained in popularity and Exhibitors look to save money on set up and rigging fees at the convention. But is this even the right option for you? Let’s examine the pros and cons of each:

Categories: sendemail, Trade Show Hanging Sign, Trade Show Tips

There is still no better way of getting your brand up high especially from all sides of the booth than a Trade Show Hanging Sign. But the process between getting a standard size sign and having a monster size hanging sign above your booth can be different…sometimes VERY different.

Categories: Backlit Trade Show Displays, WaveLight Displays

The WaveLight Backlit Display series is on a roll these days. Like a string of 80’s songs, the hits keep on coming. From the WaveLight Casonara’s to the inflatable backlit towers and counters, the innovation continues with the WaveLight Infinity Displays. Newly featured for 2019, this backlit system is sweeeeett! For the first time, there are now backlit panels that connect to each other producing a virtually seamless array of panels. Modular functionality meets backlit in a big way.

Categories: 10X10' Booth, Backlit Trade Show Displays

You’ve reserved your 10X10′ trade show booth space and you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of backlit displays. Well, you’re in luck! No longer do you have to wade through limited options that are heavy, expensive and way too cumbersome. Exhibitors now have many options thanks to amazing design and innovative advances. Chances are, whatever you’re looking for there is now an option that fits your needs.

Categories: Retractable Banner Stands, Trade Show Displays on a Budget, Types of Trade Show Displays

We often get asked what retractable banner stand we would recommend. It really depends on just a couple different factors such as how often you plan on using it, do you need to update/ swap out banners, your budget and what style you prefer. That is because there is an option that accomplishes each and so it just comes down to which one you think is a better fit. That being said, here are our top 3 different models retractable banner stands that we carry. All are ‘battle-tested’ and have been around for years with a lot of success. Here they are:

Categories: Trade Show Displays on a Budget, Trade Show Hanging Sign, Types of Trade Show Displays

Trade Shows are already expensive enough, so exhibitors are always looking to either trim costs or find ways to save money and maximize those trade show dollars. One area that we hear a lot of complaints about is with the hanging trade show signs and hanging from the convention center ceiling. The costs associated with set up, rigging, and take down are no doubt expensive, but there are some ways to still take advantage of this crucial branding real estate while still finding creative ways to save money. Here are our top 5: 

Categories: Outdoor Displays, Printed Canopy Tents

Spring has finally spring (at least in some parts of the country, where we are we’re still patiently waiting), but this is the time of year to get outside and shift some of your marketing outdoors. From outdoor festivals, to races, farmer’s markets, and beyond, these are all wonderful ways to gain more exposure and meet new customers in a more relaxed and casual environment. Let’s take a look at the top 3 outdoor displays to help make it all happen.