Tag: trade show purchase

Categories: Backlit Trade Show Displays, Trade Show Tips

Backlit displays have taken the tradeshow floor by storm and have certainly found their place on it too. These illuminated displays have really won over our customers with the bright, rich, eye-catching colors that these displays are able to provide.

And, of course, the main reason that our customers really like these displays is the attention that they create on the show floor and the ability to attract and welcome the trade show attendees into their booth.

Categories: My First Trade Show, Trade Show Booth Rentals, Trade Show Tips

Our most successful trade show customers are planning out their schedule months in advance and many times a large decision they have to think about is whether to rent or buy their trade show displays.

These are some of the questions that these customers consider and that we like to ask our clients when evaluating what kind of display setup that would best fit their needs: