Author: Production Prints

Categories: Trade Show Marketing

As the BIG decisions are being made when and where trade shows will resume again, I can’t help but make an overly simplistic comparison between trade show floors in convention centers and a large Costco store.

I don’t mean to compare like are they the same thing, but rather in terms of mass gatherings in the age of Covid and the rules that are applied fairly or unfairly whether they make sense or not.

Categories: Trade Show Industry News

Nationally the United States is having to make important decisions regarding how and when we ‘re-open’ cities, states and our ‘normal’ activities.

While none of these decisions are easy and all come with their own unique set of challenges, I thought it was important to speak directly to our legislators as a voice from within the trade show industry.

Categories: New Displays

Our amazing and innovative team has created a portable and custom branded hand sanitizer station kit. As businesses start to reopen across the country, demand for personal hygienic solutions is on everyone’s mind.

Step one was creating a hand sanitizer station using our existing WaveLine frame system. Step two was procuring and attaching the dispenser units for large quantities to meet the demand.

Categories: Covid-19 and Trade Shows, Trade Show Industry News

2020 is proving to be the most difficult year for Trade Shows probably since WWII or possibly even the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918/ 1919. The impact is wide spread from a health standpoint and economically. Our heart reels for everyone involved. This is most certainly the biggest challenge facing the industry in modern times.

Categories: Covid-19 and Trade Shows, Trade Show Industry News

The Exhibition Industry has been hit especially hard by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and that is an understatement.

First of all from all of us at Production Prints, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to everyone affected by this black swan event. Sure, it’s not the first coronavirus in recent memory to have an economic impact (like SARS or MERS), but this one is different.