Category: Merchandiser Exhibit Kits

Categories: Merchandiser Exhibit Kits

Our Merchandiser Portable Shelving Exhibits are designed specifically for those needing a portable, versatile display that combines product showcasing with comprehensive branding. It’s a dynamic, flexible display solutions that not only capture the essence of your brand but also effectively showcases products Ideal for industries ranging from apparel to consumer goods, these units offer the functionality of both shelving and garment racks, tailored to fit spaces as large as 10X20′ or as compact as 10X10′.

Categories: Merchandiser Exhibit Kits, Modular Displays, Trade Show Back Walls, Waveline Displays, Waveline Merchandiser Displays

If you’re one of the many companies whose goal at trade shows is to showcase and display your products, then you’ve probably needed to get some sort of trade show exhibit with shelves to merchandise your products. Up until recently, we’ve noticed that it’s been hard to find a good, portable exhibit that has shelving for products.

Categories: 10X10' Booth, 10X20' Booth, Merchandiser Exhibit Kits, sendemail

The Merchandiser Exhibit Kits combine the functionality of shelving with an elegant and fully branded display that is ideal for many different environments from Trade Shows, Retail Locations, Pop Up Stores and in Offices. The one thing that sets this exhibit system apart from the many different options out there is the Merchandiser Displays were fully designed for the need to add shelves first and foremost.