Fully Immersive PanoLED Video Wall

Categories: Panoramic-H

Capture the attention of attendees at your next trade show. One of the most effective ways to make a significant impact is through the use of large, interactive displays like the PanoLED Video Wall. This cutting-edge technology not only enhances your booth’s visual appeal but also offers a dynamic way to engage with visitors, creating memorable experiences that can translate into valuable business opportunities.

LED Video Wall GIF

Revolutionary Display Solutions with PanoLED

The PanoLED Video Wall system is designed with modularity in mind, allowing exhibitors to create custom-sized video walls that fit perfectly within their booth’s layout. Whether you’re setting up a small 10X10′ space or a massive 30ft X 50ft exhibition area, this system adapts seamlessly. It can also be integrated with the Panoramic H-Line System for a comprehensive exhibit setup that includes full storage solutions and vibrant fabric graphics on all non-video wall sides.

Pano LED Video Wall

Interactive and Versatile Exhibiting

Imagine streaming a live feed directly from your headquarters to the trade show floor, or showcasing interactive content that attendees can engage with in real-time. The PanoLED Video Wall makes this possible by connecting to the internet, bringing a new level of interaction to your booth. This feature not only attracts more visitors but also keeps them engaged longer, increasing the likelihood of forging substantial connections.

Cost-Effective Options for Every Exhibitor

We understand that budget is always a consideration, which is why the PanoLED Video Wall is available for both purchase and rental. This flexibility allows companies of all sizes to utilize this impressive technology without committing to a permanent investment. For example:

For a large space: The featured kit for a 30ft X 50ft booth comes with a full walk-in storage room and locking door, offered at a rental price of $28,431.

20ft Panoramic H-Line Pano LED Front View

For smaller booths: The 10X10′ setup is perfect for those with less space but who still want to make a big impact, available for rent at $10,826.

10ft Panoramic H-Line Pano LED Left View

Protection and Ease of Transport

Each PanoLED Video Wall kit includes robust flight cases that protect the sophisticated equipment during transport. Additionally, the entire system packs into a wooden crate, ensuring that your investment is secure from one show to the next, no matter where in the world you are exhibiting.

Pano LED Flight Cases


Integrating a PanoLED Video Wall into your trade show strategy is more than just about showing off high-tech gadgets; it’s about creating a fully immersive environment that can significantly enhance your brand’s presence and interaction with attendees. Whether you aim to inform, entertain, or sell, this video wall solution provides a powerful tool to achieve your trade show goals. Reach out to us to discuss how we can tailor the PanoLED system to your specific needs and ensure your next exhibit is nothing short of spectacular.

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