Exhibitor’s Resource Guide to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Categories: Covid-19 and Trade Shows, Trade Show Industry News

Last updated 3/18/2020

The Exhibition Industry has been hit especially hard by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and that is an understatement.

First of all from all of us at Production Prints, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to everyone affected by this black swan event. It’s not the first coronavirus in recent memory to have an economic impact (like SARS or MERS), but this one is different.

From loss of life, to prolonged quarantines and the vast economic damage, this is the biggest pandemic of it’s kind in our lifetimes. While a global effort is underway to rein this in, we wanted to pull together resources from multiple sources as a collection of links and information that is specific to the Exhibition and Event Marketing Industry.

Frequently Updated List of Trade Shows and Events that Have Been Cancelled

We have been keeping a running list of most upcoming trade shows that have either been cancelled, postponed, re-scheduled or are continuing as planned.

If it has been re-scheduled, then we put the new date and city if there is a change of venue:

Current Status of Trade Shows in the United States List

Please make sure to check back frequently and/ or bookmark this link since we are updating it every couple days or so.

Industry Voices- Announcements and News from Exhibition Industry’s Leaders regarding Covid-19

Here is our hand-picked list of resources that we think you will find of interest from the leaders in our industry and other relevant sources.

It is important for our close-knit community in the Exhibition Industry and all participants to have the information they need at their finger tips as we all fight through this. Below are some resources and announcements from trusted insiders:

Freeman Resources:

Freeman Coronavirus Resource Page- Continually updated

Coronavirus: What Next? Has webinar video on bottom of page about impact on industry.

GES Resources:

GES Resource Page

Reed Exhibitions:

Corona Virus Statement from Reed Exhibitions

Other Resources:

Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now– Long interesting blog and resource page with excellent charts and graphics with a very clear and concise explanation.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Map on Johns Hopkins Website– Updated Daily

Please stay tuned for further updates. We will make every effort to make this as current as possible so we all have the most accurate information available.

Have another valuable resource that you think we should share? Please send us a message in the form below with a link so we can share it.

Please stay safe,

-Production Prints Team

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